
Feeling Foolish?

Dood, as if I need an excuse to where a funny t-shirt, now there are t-shirts about being funny on a funny day. Is that backwards or is that the beauty of self expression? I really don't have any pranks planned this year. My better half is always the one that comes up with the monster plots for April Fools Day. However, over the last 3 years life's realities mixed with his overly creative processings have desensitized both sides of our extended family from the fool's tricks. So now what? We pimp t-shirts and we giggle... yes sir we giggle profusely. Profoundly? Maybe. We just giggle and snort at our own dorkiness all the time, THAT, my dear friend, is the beauty of April Fools Day.

Check out all these fabulous foolish funsies: (and YES, you should buy one!)

BUG HUGS! Jr. Spaghetti TankWhistling Clown Black T-ShirtFun Police 2 Black T-ShirtIAphrilophobia April FoolFool for YOU! White T-ShirtKiss the Fool White T-ShirtJester White T-ShirtThe April Fool White T-ShirtApril Fools White T-ShirtKNOCKED UP - APRIL FOOL Jr. Ringer T-ShirtTrailer Park Weather ForecasterCarnival Rides Checked For Sa Ash Grey T-ShirtDonApril FoolPyrite Ship Ash Grey T-Shirt

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Happy Thursday 13 Day: Have some cake!

So here we are again, tootin' our horns about . What ever shall I babbly blog about today? (that's what I always say).

Well, actually, I really like cake, There are a number of subliminal messages, inside jokes and just plain old mental yumminess that is surrounded by, involved with, focused on or otherwise enjoyed by... cake.

So let's think about this... 13 things to love about cake.

1. Birthdays, every day should be a birthday just so we can eat more cake

2. Flavors, there are at least 53 flavors of cake, rainbow chip being one of my personal favs... combine that with the multitude of frosting and topping options, I am pretty sure there is a new cake for every day of the year.

3. Cake and sex:
"piece of cake" translates to "super simple, no problemo".. in other words.. cake is easy... "cake is easy" can then be translated.. "you're so sweet, I wonder if you're easy"... "I want cake" would then translate into "I want to get 'some' (cake)"

4. Cupcakes are lovely bite sized moments of wonderment. make a pile of mini muffin sized cupcakes and OH JOY, it better than a bowl of bon bons.

5. Yes, you CAN have your cake AND eat it too (just don't brag about it, it's not a well known fact, only a mere overly used expectation).

6. Chocolate cake is best when accompanied by vanilla or mint chip ice cream

7. Cheese cake (yes, damnit, it IS REAL cake)... YUM.

8. One does not need an occasion for cake. cake is the occasion

9. Pancakes: life's mother approved exception to eating cake for breakfast. Joyful indeed.

"got cake?" Women's T-Shirt

10. Homemade cake vs Betty Crocker. I try and try and try again to do my duty as mother, wife, loyal friend and advid cake appreciator... Betty Crocker kicks my ass every time!

11. If you add corn starch to a mud pie, would it then be a mud cake? Why growing up, did we never make mud cakes? I don't recall every focusing on mud pie crust.. and what kind of pie has no crust? There enters the cheesecake again.. and yes chocolate cheese is dandy.

12. Potato cake.. someone's excuse for eatting left over potatoes with syrup.

13. I LOVE CAKE ... duh.

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Thirteen Cows to blog


Thursday Thirteen: My thirteen-nesses

thursday thirteen
So I got all excited when I first discovered Thursday Thirteen.. 2 weeks ago. And then last week, I completely forgot. So here I am, it's barely Thursday, and I'm trying, in my dilerium to think up something worth 13ing about. The best I can do at wee hours such as this, is 13 things I could (but won't) ramble on about 13 times....

1. Why Dr. Pepper is the best
2. The state (or result) of cheese in various conditions (left on the counter, vs put in the fridge with no wrapper, handling fondly by child sized grimey fingers, etc.)
3. Ways to help your spouse (or any bed mate) stop snoring
4. Ways to make use of noodles
5. My favorite things to do in December
6. Ways I am able to annoy my friends unintentionally
7. Ways I am able to annoy everyone, including my friends (AND family), entirely intentionally
8. Favorite words that end in LY
9. Pros and Cons of a bellybutton ringthursday 13
10. Flavors of dum dum lollipops and what I think of each
11. My favorite art, who and what
12. Why big fuzzy socks are must haves for survival in the universe
13. The continuation of this list of lists of things to talk about on Thursdays, or any day, I'll spare you.. for now. :D

Happy Thursday! and Toodlooo...

Tags: I Love


Take note of the title

I want you to take a close look at the title of this image...

So what exactly is two sided jigginess?

WEEE-elllE... lucky you, I happen to have a theory, with which I shall enlighten you. In this case its associated with a tshirt, exhibit B (up there ^ was the unlabel exhibit A):

What's delightfully fun about this particular t-shirt, is the ness of the jiggi. Check it out, the front is a fanciful dood, prancing about as doods tend NOT to do. On the back is more anti-rational guyismness with the message:
"... then presently, Jigginess ensured."

HA! Yo, Victorian homey dood.. lets pull up our nickers, get ready to boogie on down, do some jive on over to the scene... it's time to get jigglin'.

Sounds mighty kinky baby!


Less than uber?

HAHA... this is my new favorite. I'm just bummed it isn't available on a t-shirt...

yet :D


So, I don't own an iPod. I don't know what to do with bluetooth anything, except the dentist will put blue crap on the teeth of small children to prove a point about the importance of brushing or not eatting that 5th doughnut or whatever... I don't even have an answering machine.
So all this business, I get it, its maybe big and neat. I won't be getting it. I think I'd rather be saving the cash for a nice little trip to the electronic-devicely beaches of someplaces.
But, in the meantime... here's some orgami that may just be dandy fun
Swag... thats the name of this shirt, I think. I can't quite tell, but from this angle it looks like the butt of a cartoon dinosaur. That can't right.
Message reads:
"Runs with Scissors. Plays with Paper"
Cute, I think. Maybe?

Yeah. I liked it. Kinda.


I love PI!

March 14th is PI Day, so in honor of that oh so not cherry filled yumminess, I have for you... PI:


Thirteen Reasons Sleep is Silly

After midnight...

1. the only noise in the house is children snoring

2. the city lights on the horizon twinkle best

3. AH-HA moments flourish

4. I can hear the owl outside (probably telling me to get my butt to bed)

5. snacking, that's a coined phrase

6. pillows and husbands are more snuggle-squishy

7. air always smells like rain

8. with the lights dimmed, the house looks cleaner

9. there are no bosses needing me

10. there is no change of a telemarketer calling

11. flat soda always tastes sweeter

12. I can have morning coffee with my over-seas friends

13. my brain finally wakes up from the lack of sleep the day before.

Are you a Thursday Girl?
(or any
day girl for that matter)...

Check out GoodeGirls - Girly attitude message t-shirts, hoodies, gifts and decor Wear Your Attitude
