
So, I don't own an iPod. I don't know what to do with bluetooth anything, except the dentist will put blue crap on the teeth of small children to prove a point about the importance of brushing or not eatting that 5th doughnut or whatever... I don't even have an answering machine.
So all this business, I get it, its maybe big and neat. I won't be getting it. I think I'd rather be saving the cash for a nice little trip to the electronic-devicely beaches of someplaces.
But, in the meantime... here's some orgami that may just be dandy fun
Swag... thats the name of this shirt, I think. I can't quite tell, but from this angle it looks like the butt of a cartoon dinosaur. That can't right.
Message reads:
"Runs with Scissors. Plays with Paper"
Cute, I think. Maybe?

Yeah. I liked it. Kinda.


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