
Brrreeeport OR BUST!

So I was wondering around looking for inspiration for ponderable thoughts so I roamed over onto a friend's blog . Really, to be honest, I didn't take notice of the actual writing as the headline had me envisioning mini bree wheels(yes, the cheese) doing the go daddy dance. You know "go brrreeeport .. go brrreeport.. go". Quite disturbing (the possiblity of my mind being that distorted, not the vision).

So I decided my desparately needing a nap brain could use some fun skimming time. I ended up on technorati in search of more . I was amazed at the amount of babble going on. (yes, I'm sittin' here babblin now, but there's a point... comeon, focus here)

From what I'm gathering, named Robert Scoble instigated this entertaining test.(note, if he is not his own banner, I can not label him as . but for now, we'll assume he is he who is indeed smiley) Without digging at all, I happened upon , (my thinking it was)totally off topic, but showing up in the listing of level headed, or supposedly worth reading folk. Seeing as how I'm easily distracted and even more easily amused... I read on.
What a neat little quest this brrreeeport journey is. How fast can we go? -- ohhhhhhhh... hi ho the dairy->OH, I'm usually the one who's so damn slooooooaOH!

Anyway, then I remembered I was brrreeeporting it, so I headed back out to skim headlines and pick another. I don't usually pay attention to authors, i just click. An LO and BEHOLD... there is Mr. Robert Scoble's smiley banner again. Apparently this man has things to talk about. This time, . Yeeehaw! I have gotten myself closer to the beginning of the story.

By now, I have stopped digging up brrreeeport history to write thoughts that I forgot i had to share and instead wrote what you just read....

up there.

But, really I'd like to thank Mr. Scoble. He inspired me to stop whining about how to get on the A list. Cuz now I have a neat list of A list ideas to ponder. And boy, am I gonna ponder now!

By the way, I just wanna know, why brrreeeport? Sounds like a retirement locale. Why not schnizzleblat or hobbalobagook?
or snortlebean? Or one of my favors.. twiddledork ---> thats a nerdy type that likes to um.. twiddle.

Toodloo my fine not so feathered friends.

post editing note to self and all those to care to head the notice...
brrreeeport is extraoridinarily suseptible to typos. I'm am the world's worst proofreader, yet I tend to make the same errors consistantly Brrreeeport, on the otherhand, I found I had mis-typed 5 different ways... minimum.
Brrrport, breeeport, brrreport..... ACK what an awfully humbling word it tis.



Blogger Editor said...

good stuff!

bree on!

9:07 PM  

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