
13 Dates to remember for thursday Thirteen

So as of late, I've had a facination with using special dates/events/ocassions as a way to brainstorm new content topics. So here are 13 international observances to remember I'd like to share with you:

September 8 - International Literacy Day
September 21 - World graditude day
October - Breast Cancer awareness month

October 5 - World Teacher's Day
October 16 - World Food Day
October 29 - International Internet Day

November 11 - Veterans Day
November 22 - National Stop the Violence Day
December 5 - International Volunteers Day

December 10 - Human Rights Day
Everyday - tell someone how much you love them day
Today - Jen's thanks to you for spending these few minutes with me - day :D

I Heart Kisses (Smoochies)

Happy Thursday!

Tags: jgoode, thursday thirteen, occasions


How about a big round of applause!!

I'd like to say, that every day there's some kind of reason to celebrate. there are a number of personality types with that grunt and snort and probably disagree. Although most will roll their eyes and simply their mouths shut, a few will stand proudly and rebut.

Oh yes, I know, there are generous, kindhearted souls that will indeed agree with me. So, lets not go there. We agree.

It's those that grumble and twitch their eyebrows at the though of something to silly that I'd like to address.

Sure, there are reasons every day to complain. There are reasons to gripe and moan. There are reasons to not want to get up in the morning, nor go to work, not deal with the day. There are even more minute to minute reasons to bicker or wonder what inevitable doom lies ahead...

But let me just say, every day we wake up... we're breathing - YAY!
Every day we have someone to tell our gripes and joys to... we have a friend - HooRay!
Every day we have a job or a means to make an income or even just a way to do something for a reason... we have a purpose - Lordy Lordy Halleluiah!

smile pass it on

I personally think it would be especially bothersome to wake up one day with no purpose, no friends, no family, no food, and darnit, not even breathing. That would be a day to say it sucks.

So the next time you stop.... actually you don't stop, you just start blurting out the troubles of the moment, at least take the second moment to stop and celebrate the fact you had the moment to gripe in he first place. :D

Now go give someone a hug and get back to your previously scheduled whatever!

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Thursday Thirteen, My 22nd list... I think

Happy Nut
It occurred to me just last night, there are probably 13 things I do every single day. Yes, I am a woman of habit... kinda. So Let's try this, every day I

1. Check my email, check old flags and make new flags and hope I just won that secret email passing Bill Gates is watching your chain letters about Disney hoax whatever... chain letter worth millions.

2. Send my hubby an IM :* (or at least I think of it every day)

3. Stop to think of "what do I need to do today" and then stop again 3 more times to remember what it was I was going to do today.

4. Gaze out the window hoping to catch a random idea floating in the wind.

5. Remember I need to do laundry

6. Think about organizing the paper choas

7. I work - on what, depends on the day, check back to number 1 and 3... but it changes every day.

8. Harrass my children (you know, they think its harassing, i call it loving)

9. Brush my teeth - yeah, i had to through that in or someone might ask me if i have hygeine issues

10. I check stats all over the place. What I do with those stats really depends on what the stats are for. there's work states, sales stats, traffic stats... sometimes I'll compare stats or project new stats... in the end I always end up pondering stats for their statistcally happiness and forget what I was trying to figure from them.

11. Do a mental check and make sure I haven't lost my mind. Every day there is a reason to think I've lost it. I'm lucky to have a wide variety of crazy causing circumtances... I never get bored.

12. I ask how can I improve..... fill in the blank... -- I think this has a lot to do with my long todo list, my crazy feeling brain and my lack of sleep. I am always trying to figure out what I can improve. It's not always work related... no no, sometimes I pondering improving the paint color of the kitchen, or immproving the weed pile in the yard...whatever the case may be. How can I make better.

13. And every day I stop to think of how I could have been a better person. I'm a big grump and abit goofy about things sometimes, so every day I try to stop and think, how could I have improved me today.

Happy Thursday!

Nuts About You Peanuts


Traveling Tuesdays

So thinking of traveling...

Throughout the years I've been to many places. I moved a great deal growing up which translated into a mindset that never wants to sit still. I've been to both coasts and back again many times. I've been on countless airplanes and dozens of road trips.

Yet, my favorite thing about traveling is the people. I love spending time meeting new people, visiting with old friends, celebrating with family and exploring new views.

From a tiny 3 day weekend just an hour away, to a 3 week road trip up the pacific highway... I always find myself in awe of the beauty of the land. It still amazes me how diverse the landscape is. I've seen the beautiful colors of the Shanandoah mountains in the fall. I've seen the mist hover over a northwestern morning. I've driven through a sunrise over the Grand Canyon, and I've spent a wintery thanksgiving in Vermont. I've experienced the sweaty heat of mid-July as a 30 second snowfall in the south, breathed in the floral air in Tennessee.

I love Stopping to investigate the forgotten hide-a-ways along those tiny 2 lane highways. Finding that fabulous diner in the middle of nowhere to indulge in a big plate of home cooked food is a joy everyone should be blessed with at least once in their life time.

Of all the places I've been, all the people I've met, I always seem to come back home... to Colorado.

I'd Rather Be In Colorado
I'd Rather Be In Colorado
Tshirts and Gifts for Colorado Lovers

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Thursday - 13 Thankful Fors - and a dragonfly

I'd just like to take a few minutes to say thanks.

Thanks for...

1. My Husband
2. My Kids
3. My Family and friends around the world -
any all the love they offer
4. My physical and mental wellness -
even when I feel like I'm losing my mind,
or can't go another second.
5. Experiences each day - good and bad
6. Lessons learned -
or remembered -
or passed forward
7. Beautiful sunshiney days -
even if only in my head
8. Rain thoughtful days -
even if they last a week
9. The skills and talents I've been blessed with --
even the ones I don't know yet how to use.
10. Obstacles that challange me and help me grow
11. Unexpected happiness - mine or someone elses'
12. Little things - that make up big pictures we so love
13. YOU.

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Roddenberry exclusives - hot off the press!

For the first time ever - Limited edition bound Star Trek scripts and merchandise are being made available to fans!

On August 8th, 2006, the Star Trek original pilot episode "The Cage" launches in bound format. Available for ONE MONTH ONLY, this collectible pilot script is the purest example of creator Gene Roddenberry's vision.

Don't Miss This, Tell all Your Friends!
Check it out!: http://www.jgoodedesigns.com/go/roddenberry

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Wishing for wishes - Thursday Thirteen #19

It's 2:20 am and I'm thinking I should be in bed, but instead I'm trying to ahead..
so this week's 13 thoughts will be rather simple.

My (numero 19)
The thirteen things,
off the top of my oh so sleepy head,
that I wish I had more time to do.

1. Take a drive... for no reason.

2. Sit on the carpet and do nothing but play.

3. Dig in the dirt and plant things I'll inevitably forget to water.

4. Make "science projects" with my kids from mystery kitchen ingredients - and see what results... on purpose.

5. Go to the park and swing.

6. Enjoy the internet for the information that abounds without having to learn something.

7. Clean and organize my entire house....

8. So I can finish painting (you know, the great beautiful plans I've had for 2 years)...

9. SO I wouldnt mind having my friends over just for hamburgers.

10. Travel - so my boys can experience the culture, not just read about it.

11. Sculpt something useless

12. Learn how to make brownies

13. Enjoy an entire day with no agenda.

Have a wonderfully joyous Thursday!!

more me... I know there's more than 13 things in here :D

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