
Feeling Foolish?

Dood, as if I need an excuse to where a funny t-shirt, now there are t-shirts about being funny on a funny day. Is that backwards or is that the beauty of self expression? I really don't have any pranks planned this year. My better half is always the one that comes up with the monster plots for April Fools Day. However, over the last 3 years life's realities mixed with his overly creative processings have desensitized both sides of our extended family from the fool's tricks. So now what? We pimp t-shirts and we giggle... yes sir we giggle profusely. Profoundly? Maybe. We just giggle and snort at our own dorkiness all the time, THAT, my dear friend, is the beauty of April Fools Day.

Check out all these fabulous foolish funsies: (and YES, you should buy one!)

BUG HUGS! Jr. Spaghetti TankWhistling Clown Black T-ShirtFun Police 2 Black T-ShirtIAphrilophobia April FoolFool for YOU! White T-ShirtKiss the Fool White T-ShirtJester White T-ShirtThe April Fool White T-ShirtApril Fools White T-ShirtKNOCKED UP - APRIL FOOL Jr. Ringer T-ShirtTrailer Park Weather ForecasterCarnival Rides Checked For Sa Ash Grey T-ShirtDonApril FoolPyrite Ship Ash Grey T-Shirt

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11:53 AM  

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