Origami it is... or is it?
I am Mac girl. An Apple lover. A woman who digs her devices... in (most) all flavors. But for the most part, I like to say I'm a loyally fruity gal.
With that in mind, and this new mystery hype on Micosoft's Origami project, I can't help but wonder what will land upon us on March 2nd. I can't remember the last big WOW project coming out of Bill's corner. However, I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention.
Reading Robert Scoble's comments, I had to giggle....
"Kent Newsome asks 'will it walk the walk'
Whenever hype gets ahead of an announcement, the answer has to be: no.
But, then, you gotta realize that I totally agree with Joe Wilcox who says that the best companies underpromise and overdeliver. Now, did see that link? I'll save you the click.. "Apple consistently does this well--and did so, again, yesterday." and "Apple rarely widely beta tests products. Version one typically is good enough." That's an article from February 15th about the MacBook Pro notebooks.
And then Scoble adds in....
"Maybe I should have posted that no one will want an Origami and that it sucks raw potatoes."
And how exactly does one suck a raw potatoe? I'm not even sure that sounds kinky. More like a baseball meet one's front tooth, Oh yeah, I want an Origami! I know they will ROCK!
I Love my Mac and the cows love shameless plugs.
Now go buy a t-shirt. :D