
Thursday 13 randomness and grey matter

Happy Thursday! - 13 random thoughts

T - Too much to do and not enough sleep
H - Happy, Hungry and Hope for a Holiday
U - U R My Sunshine
R - Really wishing I has a raspberry cream cheese danish
D - Doood, creativity hurts my head sometimes.
A - Always remember to breathe and smile
Y - Y ask Y..just go kiss your guy

1 - is kinda lonely
3 - is almost a party

F - Fancy Schmancy.. poo poo I say
U - U need to buy a Original Doodle Design
N - Never say Never, instead say something obscurely clever


Ponderable Thursday Thirteen

Every now and again, something in my path has me stopping to look around and take notice of my surroundings. So today's Thursday 13 is more a reflextion of my own self ponderings.. and the little things that hopefully get noticed and bring in some sunshine.

1. The dancing of twinkling lights in the quiet of the night, reminds me every day is worth remembering how to giggle.

2. Sunrises -- when I'm actually awake to witness one, never cease to amaze me. Watching the sunrise is always a breathtaking event for me.

3. Tulips... elegant and so darn perdy. For me, part of the wonderment is how rare tulips seem to be, they come and share their glorious colors and then leave just as quickly.

4. The peace and calm of a brand new snow. I love the smell of a new snowy day.. an the sound of crunching of new snow footsteps

5. The continual "buzzing" of nature. I love to sit and watch summer and all it's activity, fragrances, and color.

6. There's always been something magical to me when I find myself looking through the trees

7. have you ever noticed how pretty a daisy is, even when it has no color?

African Daisies in Black and White

8. This image is many things to me.. the love of Mama and baby, this photo was taken at my grandmother's house, whom I love so dearly... and just capturing a moment like this, makes me smile from the inside out.

9. The gurgle of a stream on a mid-summer day... I love to walk on the rocks and watch the water flow.

10. The sincere generosity in a child. I am in awe of the unconditional giving children are born with... when and were do we lose that sense of love towards the world?

11. Waking up to spring with the lil' birdies chirpin. We have a whole family that live under our deck. I can hardly wait for warm weather so I can fill the bird feeders.

12. I'm blessed with a wonderful family who loves me.

13. Really the bottom line is, for me every day has something to stop and notice... pay attention to and appreciate. And every day I don't always remember to see the world around me, but I try. Beacuse, every day is filled with the opportunity for one more moment to look back upon and say I am so thankful for all that I have!

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Definitely no cows... Thursday Thirteen

There's a reason t-shirt companies will forever have business. As long as someone has something to say.. there will be a t-shirt to say it. A few weeks ago I seemed to have an incredibly hard time finding interesting t-shirts about cows. So... I've moved on to less green pastures.. pretty colorful actually, and spotted an enormous amount of conversation (on t-shirts remember) about MySpace.Some are probably not as friendly family as I like to keep my thoughts... so I've omited them. Made it much easier to only show off 13. So for the MySpace fanatics out there, this 13s for you! -- leaving the commentary out... here ya go. :D


How much do you really love Tom? Shout out your devoted love for the most popular man on MySpace.. Tom.


Very sexy design of a lovely lady sillouette in deep purple. The MySpace Tramp design is in bright orange and deep purple. This is a very cool image that echos the trendy ipod look.


What more do we say? I love MySpace... with a lovely little red heart. So that would be I Heart MySpace. How precious!


HAHA, isn't everything on myspace a drama? are you a drama queen? Predict the future with this great myspace humor. Available in a variety of styles.


Who's got the hottest top 8 on myspace? YOU TO BABY! Brag about it. Available in a variety of shirt styles.


Poor kid, Tom has to be friends with so many people, aren't you lucky Tom is YOUR friend? Wear this MySpace t-shirt proudly (even if you've finally made more friends).


Are YOU a MySpace girl? Do you love hanging with your friends and jammin' to the tunes? Grab yourself a MySpace girl t-shirt or hoodie and wear it prooudly!


Are YOU a Top 8 Girl? Shout out your MySpace popularity with a Top 8 t-shirt. More shirt styles available.


I am a Celebrity...on MySpace! Are you a celebrity on Myspace but not so much in real life. T-shirts for your MySpace.



MySpace addict t-shirts for MySpace addicts that like t-shirts! Get more myspace friends with this funny t-shirt!


Friend Request DENIED! Get the original myspace friend request denied t-shirts for women here. Available in a variety of styles.


Awwwww so not-sweet. Honey, you're not so cute now. Available in a variety of styles.

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Chocolate vs Networking

So it's Thursday again and this morning I got up ready to roll with my blog. Now what happened to 9am? It's now 6:15 in the PM and I'm just now getting settled in my day. I've been crazy busy working on a variety of projects and meeting a wide array of new people. just ended and I'm sure I have a ton to talk about... but now I'm ready for a .

Thirteen reasons networking is better than chocolate:

1. I've always enjoyed meeting new people, regardless of the purpose or occasion.

2. Walking away from any event with a pile of business cards always makes me feel like I have people to see, places to go and things to accomplish.

3. It's fun to witness the mix of directions people come from when attending events.

4. it's great to be able to mingle with competitors. Often times they turn out to be good contacts in the long run.

5. It's always beneficial for future projects to have a face to put with a name.

6. It's even more beneficial to be able to associate a personality with a product.

7. Talking with peers within a given industry always results in at least one good brainstorm.

8. Listening to gurus in an industry always results in inspiration for more brainstorming.

9. Making new connections, more often times than not, can result in future business opporutunities and partnerships.

10. Meeting new people with angles on an industry that I don't have, always helps me find that answer to "where am I headed?".

11. Live networking usually includes free live refreshments. :D

12. Online networking can be accomplished in one's jammies.

13 I love networking because it always seems to open new doors, inpre new ideas and moptivate an otherwise potentially stagnent progression of success. :D

Stop by and say HI!