13 ways to lose your mind
Ohh happy happy Thursday! I've been running around like mad for i can't exactly say.. but probably full force since about April. I thought that after my sister's wedding was over things would slow down... I mis-calculated.
So today's Thursday thirteen is more or less a list of all the ways I can think of (or at least 13 of them) to make yourself crazy... or prevent scheduling chaos...
1. Make a list - they always say make a list. I prefer to make a list that i forget i have. so then i need to make a list of where my lists are... and try to remember i have those too.
2. Plan ahead - its always a good idea to plan. Make sure to plan ahead so that when your schedule gets completely whacked, you have more reason to have a mental breakdown because your plan has vanished and no one has noticed you even had a plan.
3. Always consider everyone - make sure to take in account how every project will affect anyone remotely involved so that you never please everyone 100% and you never finish your project how you planned (see #2).
4. Brainstorm - its a great idea to brainstorm new ideas, especially when youre in the middle of your latest "bright idea" project. this way, you'll side-track yourself to the point that you must either stop what youre doing to find your list and add to it, or begin a new project because it's definitely a higher priority than the last.
5. Think it Through - a million times before you start. If you stop to think of every possible result, reaction, alternate plan or even compliment vs insult... there is no possible way you can produce the perfect solution. perfect.
6. Always be willing to help - every time someone asks if you can help, whether its for work, family, side work or otherwise, make sure to always lend your helpful self regardless of the time frame. who cares if you don't sleep?
7. Believe in Yourself - to the point that you know you can do anything you try. This way, when you are approached with a #6 situation, you know you aren't crazy and you can indeed live a zombie life.
8. Go with the Flow - make sure to bend at every obstacle that comes your way. This will build character, teach tolerance and surely test your ethics and morals.
9. Teach Indepedence and Confidence - and stay out of silly arguements; so when you walk into super walmart with your children they are sure to argue amongst themselves at the top of their confident lungs knowing you will continue to walk the other way pretending you don't them.
10. Make Time for Yourself - and make sure on your "for me" list (that you can't find) you have noted things such as "organize the garage", "weed the garden" and "paint the guestroom", you have yet to build, so that when you are truely exhausted from life's mundane dailies, you have something to look forward to.
11. Set Goals for Your Children - before they are born. Things such as do's and don't of disapline and learning experiences.. by planning these in advance you're sure to find yourself in the midst of an adventure -- review #2, 5 and 9.
12. Have a Good Attitude - regardless of the situation. Other's will surely see you as a go-getter that can handle anything and know you are there when they need you. When times are tough, they'll gladly step out of your way to let you do what it is you do, because you can handle it alone.
13. The best way I can think of to drive yourself crazy is to be all you can be, all the time regardless of your knowledge of who you really are. Don't worry about stopping to listen to your own advice but do worry about how your actions will become consequences for everyone else (good or bad).. because what's most important is that everyone is happy...
And as a kudo for reading my thoughts for the day... i suggest you join the JGoode Mind Awareness group... cost is: 1 tshirt (and a friendly comment or two)

The Voices In My Head White T-Shirt

have a fantabulous weekend!
tags: thursday thirteen, jgoode
So today's Thursday thirteen is more or less a list of all the ways I can think of (or at least 13 of them) to make yourself crazy... or prevent scheduling chaos...
1. Make a list - they always say make a list. I prefer to make a list that i forget i have. so then i need to make a list of where my lists are... and try to remember i have those too.
2. Plan ahead - its always a good idea to plan. Make sure to plan ahead so that when your schedule gets completely whacked, you have more reason to have a mental breakdown because your plan has vanished and no one has noticed you even had a plan.
3. Always consider everyone - make sure to take in account how every project will affect anyone remotely involved so that you never please everyone 100% and you never finish your project how you planned (see #2).
4. Brainstorm - its a great idea to brainstorm new ideas, especially when youre in the middle of your latest "bright idea" project. this way, you'll side-track yourself to the point that you must either stop what youre doing to find your list and add to it, or begin a new project because it's definitely a higher priority than the last.
5. Think it Through - a million times before you start. If you stop to think of every possible result, reaction, alternate plan or even compliment vs insult... there is no possible way you can produce the perfect solution. perfect.
6. Always be willing to help - every time someone asks if you can help, whether its for work, family, side work or otherwise, make sure to always lend your helpful self regardless of the time frame. who cares if you don't sleep?
7. Believe in Yourself - to the point that you know you can do anything you try. This way, when you are approached with a #6 situation, you know you aren't crazy and you can indeed live a zombie life.
8. Go with the Flow - make sure to bend at every obstacle that comes your way. This will build character, teach tolerance and surely test your ethics and morals.
9. Teach Indepedence and Confidence - and stay out of silly arguements; so when you walk into super walmart with your children they are sure to argue amongst themselves at the top of their confident lungs knowing you will continue to walk the other way pretending you don't them.
10. Make Time for Yourself - and make sure on your "for me" list (that you can't find) you have noted things such as "organize the garage", "weed the garden" and "paint the guestroom", you have yet to build, so that when you are truely exhausted from life's mundane dailies, you have something to look forward to.
11. Set Goals for Your Children - before they are born. Things such as do's and don't of disapline and learning experiences.. by planning these in advance you're sure to find yourself in the midst of an adventure -- review #2, 5 and 9.
12. Have a Good Attitude - regardless of the situation. Other's will surely see you as a go-getter that can handle anything and know you are there when they need you. When times are tough, they'll gladly step out of your way to let you do what it is you do, because you can handle it alone.
13. The best way I can think of to drive yourself crazy is to be all you can be, all the time regardless of your knowledge of who you really are. Don't worry about stopping to listen to your own advice but do worry about how your actions will become consequences for everyone else (good or bad).. because what's most important is that everyone is happy...
And as a kudo for reading my thoughts for the day... i suggest you join the JGoode Mind Awareness group... cost is: 1 tshirt (and a friendly comment or two)

The Voices In My Head White T-Shirt

have a fantabulous weekend!
tags: thursday thirteen, jgoode
Whoever it was that said that you are supposed to be Super-Woman Super-Mom .... they lied!!!!
Shake yourself free of that notion :) ... that rumor goes around to most if not all us women since we got involved in Women's Liberation of wanting equal pay for equal work I think.
... and just IGNORE those voices in your mind or ears that whisper it to you too!!!! If you cannot find the lists ... you are not a list person so quit worrying about those too!
Worry about the important stuff ...
Did you do something fun with your kids today? Did you do something fun with your husband today? Did you do something nice for yourself today? Did you remember to hug & kiss your family & spend some time with them today?
Tomorrow might not be there ... so do not put off for tomorrow what you need to do today! Live without regrets by focusing on the truly important stuff & quit sweating all those "should voices".
Accomplish what you can from the "should voice" list if you can ... but if not, it will still need doing later ... unless tomorrow never comes.
:) Have a fantabulously awesome week-end ... with yourself & your family!
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